For this Conditional Design project we worked in small groups and were given three different tasks.

Task one: to draw the perfect circle.
Each one of us had a different colour, we took it in turn to try and better the drawing of the person beforehand, eventually coming to the finishing product of the perfect circle.
I watched a tutorial online which was really useful- i tried to practise myself in the second video. You can't see the image very well in the video but it was very successful and was suprisingly easy to do so once you know the right technique.
Task two: Hatching
Draw a straight line. The line must connect two dots.
The angle of the line must be within the following range: 0 to 45 degrees for the black lines, 45 to 90 degrees for the blue lines, 90 to 135 degrees for the red lines, 135 to 180 degrees for the green lines. Connect the line to an existing line if possible.
Draw the shortest possible line from your starting point. If you enclose an area (a plane surrounded by lines) then hatch it with lines parallel to the line you enclosed the area with. The enclosed area may not contain unconnected dots or open ended lines.
Place a dot. The position of the dot is not further away than 10 cm from other dots and not inside the convex hull of all dots. This task was very enjoyable and had a very beautiful end result.
Task three: Order your birthday

For this task i worked in a pair with illona. (They are avaible to view on her website also
We both came up with different ideas for rules and experimented with various layouts. The two i have put onto my hotglue are the ones we made our final's. I put them into photoshop and did a vector graphic to refine our images.

The Rule: Using geometric numeral shapes, draw consecutively one on top of the other turning the orientation 90 degrees clockwise each time. Change the colour with every new section of the date.
To start, draw each numeral to the right of the previous numeral. Change to the opposite direction at the end of each part of the date.